Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stationery card

Communion Poplar Pink Communion Invitation
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View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hurray for finished projects!

So I finally finished some sewing projects that have been piling up. I buckled down and finished Maeve's blocks because I really wanted to start her blanket. The blocks were getting rather boring and to be honest I had actually lost interest in them. Anyway, I finished the blocks, stuffed them and then in 2 blocks I placed a jingle bell, 1 block has crinkly crackly paper in it and the other is just stuffed. They turned out pretty decently and I'm looking forward to when Maeve actually "plays" with her toys.

This weekend I finished Maeve's blanket while I was at my grandmom's house. I'm really proud of the blanket even though some of the lines aren't straight, some of the sides overlap and it has some pinches in it. Hey, it's only my 2nd sewing project, but I like it. I made it for Maeve and its cute and keeps her warm. I'm proud of it. : D Maybe next time I make a blanket I won't use such a stretchy and learn, but either way I like it. I was going to use ric rac to make a trim on the blanket but I got fed up with pinning the ric rac and said...fudge it, I'll use it for something else...and also this blanket was supposed to have a decorative stitch on it...but because the minky fabric is fuzzy, you couldn't see the stitch that I started, so I stopped. Maybe if I one day get an embroidery machine, I'll add the decorative stitch then. 

So then today I went to Jo-Ann's to get the supplies I need for my next project..."un"paper towels! I'm really excited to make these and I'm putting snaps on them and everything. So I went to Jo-Ann's, purchased 2 yards of fabric, rotary cutter/mat, snap pliers, snaps and a seam ripper...wish I had one of those for my 1st project. All of that with gift cards..woo...and a 40% off coupon. Awesome. I then went to Walmart and grabbed a sewing basket...the baby's changing table was no longer an acceptable place for sewing supplies. I now have a bunch and they needed their own space. Check it out, I'm in love. This will totally do until we move and I can set up my sewing desk. Eek! Organizing and sewing...I'm going to have a field day with this new house!

Everything is organized!

Love the pin cushion...saves space. :)
I have space for my current project's fabric too!

So that is my sewing update for now. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have started and I can post something new.
Okay...what else is going on in our lives...Sean has been raving about this rent to own house in Federal Way. I guess it is a nice house with potential but is it bad that I could care less about houses right now? I feel like there is still so much time before we move I'm not even interested in looking at houses yet. 
Maeve and I took a trip to Grammy & Poppy's for the weekend. That was a lot of fun. Grammy tried to teach me how to crochet but I said fudge it...get me back to that sewing machine. She helped me measure & cut the fabric for Maeve's blanket and added her helpful tips as I was sewing the blanket. I'm pretty sure this week we are going to take another trip to Frank & Flos for a couple days. Then on Sunday we are going to Chase's christening. Christenings are a serious pain in the tush. I have to go to a class Wednesday night for Maeve's christening..hopefully christening. They are going to...hopefully...schedule our christening date after said class. It is really frustrating. Since when has pouring holy water on a baby been so difficult. 
My...our...bedroom looks like a bomb went off in it right now. Maeve is outgrowing clothes faster than I can keep up with. There are just clothes everywhere. Some fit now, some are too small, some are too big...basically it is all just one big mess. So between my new sewing project and this bedroom...hopefully something can get done tomorrow. Who knows. I guess I better end this here, I'm actually getting tired. I'll try to update again soon. Stay tuned!