Saturday, September 24, 2011

Score!! $

Maeve and I went to the "Best Dressed Kids" consignment event in Burlington. We went in the search of some warm winter clothes, and maybe some fleece pajamas. I didn't find any clothes there that were worth buying. Most of the clothes were down right ugly, and then anything I considered I found a reason as to why not to buy it...the fleece was pilling, the edges were fraying, I could buy it brand new for a $2 more...and so on. I was also however also on the look out for a Jumparoo. We asked for one on the baby registry but never got it, and now that the baby likes to stand when you hold on her hands, I figured it was a good time to buy one. As soon as I walked in the door I saw a cluster of them in the back. I went directly over to them, and found 2 old jumparoos, probably from when Matt was a baby...and 1 that looked like it was a year or less old. It is the rainforest jumparoo, that matches the bouncy seat that we have. It is in great shape! No stains, torn stickers, all the toys were there and the lights and music all still worked. Woohoo! I bought it for $45. It retails at Babies R Us for $89! Heck yes! I scooped that up so quickly and my deal turned out better than I thought it would. I thought they were selling for about $70, and at that I would have been happy but half off is amazing! I also bought the baby a couple toys and some play books for $50. Okay, so I didn't get any clothes but I did score majorly for the baby so I'm happy. As soon as I got my cranky baby home...yes, cranky baby. She practically screamed the entire time we were there but that is a different story. Anyway, as soon as I got her home I stuck her right in the jumparoo. She absolutely loved it! She was making it move, turning the lights on and music. I don't think I've ever seen her this least in the past 3 days! Her feet are so close to touching the ground, but maybe half an inch. I put a pillow under her feet so she can actually bounce. The best $45 I have ever spent on this baby! lol I'm so happy I bought this for her. I can't wait until tomorrow so she can play in it some more!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Finally! Finally my Babyhawk has arrived! I ordered it almost 3 weeks ago after having bought a WAHM mei tai that turned out to be made of cotton and so stretched out that I felt like Maeve was going to fall out, not to mention the fact that it killed my back. So I ordered the Babyhawk with an advance on my birthday money, lol, and it finally came in the mail yesterday. I was able to custom design it so I finally got the tan color carrier than I wanted when I bought the Ktan. (which I still love btw). I wasn't able to get Maeve into it yesterday, but today I was determined and once we had it on, she loved it. My back didn't hurt at all and it felt like I wasn't even wearing her! We took a walk around a couple of blocks tonight with it on and it was great! So excited to be able to wear this carrier more. The Ktan is great, but it's hot, both of us end up sweating if we wear it too long, and because its made from a cottonish? material it tends to stretch after shes been in it for too long, and it ends up getting really heavy and droops down. Aka it makes my back hurt after about 45 min in it. So far no problems with the Babyhawk, and a plus, it has a built in head rest/support and it can also be worn with Maeve on my back!
Here are some pictures of us wearing the Babyhawk!

We love our Babyhawk!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

So...I've decided to sew

Okay I'll start out by saying September 11, 2011, we will never forget. Rest in peace to all those who lost their lives 10 years ago today. With that said, I decided that my new hobby is going to be sewing! My mom has a sewing machine sitting in the garage, unopened. I learned how to sew back in high school and I figured with a crash course I could pick it back up easily. So I busted out the sewing machine, found a pattern online and went to work. I started with just some scraps of a recieving blanket that I had cut up earlier. I practiced lines and circles...which weren't all that bad. My circle was at least in the shape of a circle, even if it was a little wobbly at some points. So after I got the hang of the machine, I went to work on my "practice" block. I decided that I am going to make the baby some plush blocks! I used the rest of the blanket and sewed together a block! It wasn't too bad, although I did accidentally sew the top on upside..only on one seam though. It really isn't bad for a first try, and tomorrow I will use my nice fabric! I am going to make the blocks alittle smaller than this one, and on the inside they will either have a bell or some crackle paper. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Brittany

Happy Birthday to me! I turned 23 on the 7th! We celebrated by having a cake, with 23 candles of course, as well as an excellent dinner cooked by my mom. George, Tina, Kyle and Brianna came over, and also my friend Heather to celebrate my birthday. While I really didn't like the fact that Sean wasn't here, it was nice to be able to have some family over.